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Be part of the
Power of One

Check the donation box with your next order.  

Every year, doTERRA processes millions of customer orders! Imagine the impact we could have if we all donated a single dollar to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® with our orders. doTERRA covers the foundation’s operating costs, so 100% of your donations go directly to helping others. 

When we each give a little, we can help a lot.  

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How to Donate

Donating one dollar with your order is simple. If you’re placing a one-time order, simply
check the box at checkout!

You can also add an automatic dollar donation to your monthly loyalty order using the steps below!

1. Log into your doTERRA account and navigate to “Loyalty Orders.”

2. Click on “Go to Bag” in the purple banner or the bag icon in the site header. (Feel free to edit or add to your next loyalty order first.)

3. Check the box that asks if you want to donate to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation.

4. Save the order to process on your desired date.

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Supporting a Hospital in India

Donations to the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® in July, August, and September 2023 will help the community surrounding Timbi Gujarat, India—including many of the farmers that grow turmeric for doTERRA Turmeric essential oil—with important hospital upgrades and maintenance.  

The Hospital’s History: Swami Shree Nirdoshanandji Maharaj, a guru in India, was meditating one day when he saw a vision. In his vision, he saw himself building a hospital for the people of Timbi. At the time, the closest hospital was five hours away, so people facing emergencies usually weren’t able to make it all the way out to the hospital. Even for those who could afford to make the trip, healthcare in the city is expensive, and most people in this rural community couldn’t afford it even if they did have a way to make the five-hour travel. When he told the people in his community about his vision, they didn’t believe it was possible. As a guru (like a monk), Swami Shree Nirdoshanandji Maharaj had no money and no personal possessions. How was he going to afford to build a hospital? But he was determined. He approached the construction material suppliers for donated materials and some monitory donations from those who could donate some, the local cement layers and asked if they’d pour a foundation. He approached the local mason and asked him to put up the walls. He continued this way until he had succeeded in building his community hospital, all with donated time, resources, volunteer work, and community engagement. And he was able to accomplish this because he was building the structure for the good of others, and not because he was trying to profit from it himself. This legacy has been carried through to today. The Swami Shree Nirdoshanandji Manavseva (SSNM) Hospital still operates with all care being completely free. Patients and their families can stay in the on-site dormitories for free. All food for those visiting the hospital, and their families, is completely free. This is possible because the hospital runs completely on donated time, volunteer work, and community engagement (the doctors are the exception; they’re consistently paid by donations, including from an Indian doctor, and other doctors, living and practicing medicine in the west). When local farmers harvest their rice, wheat, and lentils, they also donate a few bushels a piece to the SSNM hospital to feed the more than 1,000 visitors per day. Local experts donate their time, money, and expertise to help expand, maintain, and operate the hospital. One of the most amazing things about the SSNM hospital is that nobody owns it, and everybody owns it. It’s completely community built, community run, community led, and community supported. It’s an incredible example of what we can accomplish when we all do our part. It’s a beautiful testament to the power of one.

The Project

This hospital serves some of the communities that produce Turmeric essential oil for doTERRA, so the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is looking forward to supporting this hospital with donations collected in July, August, and September 2023. 

We’re raising $105,000 to support specific upgrades and maintenance to the hospital, which will impact more than 292,000 people every year: 

1. Solar Panels:

A hospital needs reliable power to provide life-saving care. The city power supply isn’t reliable, which means the hospital is often running a generator to provide consistent power. This is expensive and takes up a large amount of the hospital’s budget. Installing solar panels on the roof will provide the hospital with another source of power and alleviate significant costs.  

2. New Bathrooms:

Often, people who want to receive care at the SSNM hospital will line up at the hospital doors hours before it opens. While they are waiting, these patients have nowhere to relieve themselves if they need to. Sometimes people will use the fields near the hospital, which is a sanitary issue and offers no privacy. Donations will help fund the construction of new bathrooms that are nearby but detached from the hospital to be accessible even when the hospital is closed, or patients are waiting nearby to receive care.  

3. Hospital Maintenance:

Because SSNM is community-run and funded through donations, maintenance only happens as resources and volunteer labor become available. Donations will fund needed upgrades to the four operating theatres, surgical equipment, lighting, flooring, and existing plumbing.  

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doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation

Visit to learn more about doTERRA Healing Hands, which is committed to empowering people worldwide to be healthy, safe, and self-reliant.

You can review all the foundation’s past impact reports at

Do you want to do more? Consider joining the 25 Collective.

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Donation Disclosure doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® Donation and Solicitation Disclosure Florida: A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE (800-435-7352) WITHIN THE STATE [of Florida]. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. Registration #: CH48280. ILLINOIS: CONTRACTS AND REPORTS REGARDING THE CHARITY ARE ON FILE WITH THE ILLINOIS ATTORNEY GENERAL. Maryland: A copy of the current financial statement of the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is available by writing 389 S 1300 W, Pleasant Grove UT 84062, or by calling (801) 437-7918. Documents and information submitted under the Maryland Solicitations Act are also available, for the cost of postage and copies, from the Maryland Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis MD 21401, (410) 974-5534. Michigan: Registration # 55179 NEW JERSEY: INFORMATION FILED WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CONCERNING THIS CHARITABLE SOLICITATION AND THE PERCENTAGE OF CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED BY THE CHARITY DURING THE LAST REPORTING PERIOD THAT WERE DEDICATED TO THE CHARITABLE PURPOSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY CALLING 973-504-6215 AND IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET AT HTTP://WWW.NJCONSUMERAFFAIRS.GOV/. REGISTRATION WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT. North Carolina: Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-814-5400. The license is not an endorsement by the State. Virginia: A Financial Statement is available upon request from the Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, Virginia 23218 Phone 804-786-1343. Washington: doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, a Utah Non-Profit Corporation, is registered with the State of Washington Secretary of State Corporations and Charities Division. For further information please contact the Secretary of State at 360-725-0378 or

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